Thursday, 14 October 2010

4. Narrative and storyline research

There are several theories when it comes to narrative structures on which we could base our own storyline in order to create an effective story on which to base the trailer on.

Here is the conventional narrative structure pointed out by Tzvetan Todorov. It can be broken down to three stages, a beginning (state of equilibrium), middle (disruption to the equilibrium) and end (reinstate the equilibrium). Equilibrium is a state of balance, normality in which the characters would usually find them selves at the begining.

Below is Tzvetan Todorov conventional narrative structure complete with five stages:

Stage 1
Stage 2
Disruption to the equilibrium by some action or crisis.
Stage 3
The Character(s) recognition that there has been a disruption, setting goals to resolve problem.
Stage 4 The Character(s) attempt to repair the disruption, obstacles need to be overcome to restore order.
Stage 5
Reinstatment to the equilibrium. Situation is resolved, a conclusion is announced.

Its essential to remember films need to be seamless as the events unfold, with all the questions raised answered and all the loose ends tied up unless you want to go against conventions, have a cliff hangar, or create doubt in the minds of the audience and leave them questioning.

Overall a film should have "clear goals with believable chararcters if its to maintain a sense of credibility and to help keep the audience captivated"
Vladimir Propps, seven 'spheres of action' theory.

Vladimir Propp states there are seven 'spheres of action' which characters can be well .... characterized to. These spheres are catagrised as the hero, villain, donor, helper, princess (though this can be exchanged for a prince), dispatcher and false hero. Not all spheres of action are needed to be addressed for a film as its also well to note characters can portray more than one sphere and vice versa, spheres can be composed of several characters.

Vladimir Propp seven spheres of action:
Hero: Individual(s) who's quest is to restore the equilibrium.
Villain: Individual(s) who's task is to disrupt the equilibrium.
Donor: Individual(s) who gives the hero(s) something, advice, information or an object.
Helper: Individual(s) who aids the hero(s) with their set task.
Princess (Prince): Individual(s) which need help, protecting and saving.
Dispatcher: Individual(s) who send the hero(s) on their quest.
Fasle Hero: Individual(s) who set out to undermine the hero's quest by pretending to aid them. Often unmasked at the end of the film.

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