We decided we wanted to analyse a film poster that was very striking and then take it a part. Here It is shown below: (click to enlarge)
Before beggining to construct our poster we wanted to create an iconic font to reflect the theme of the film.
This font represents the film as it its sketchy and looks as if it's been hand drawn and almost scribbled. It's a bit all over the place in terms of neatness. Which therefore represents the main character of how her world has turned upside down, and hoe her life has become a bit of a mess.
We feel this font reflects the film better as it is strong and effective. The sharp edges show importence and imply seirousness. This shows the importants of the word 'RETRIBUTION' and that our character is very serious about getting revenge and retribution. We have made the 'O' look like a target as she is wanting revenge on a particular person so she has a target.
Potential Images
We experimented with lots of different angles in this allyway. Different low angle and high angle shots to see how vunreble we could make our character look. We decided on a high angle shot because it shows high vunrebility and implies that our character is innocent. The long dark allyway also makes her look 'alone' this works well with the theme and storyline of her loosing her brother and feeling more and more alone.
We also experimented with natural light (No flash photography) to make the shot look at natural a possible. However the we felt the shot looked too amature and we needed a stronger element of proffessionalism. It also made the sun look too bright, when we wanted it too look as if it was dusk.
We also tryed a few standing up shots, however we decided she did not look vunreble enough and the poses looked vey un natural. When shes standing the innocent vunreblility dissapears. 'Standing in an allyway' gives a much more creapy vibe and implys that the person is meant to be there and wants to be there. However 'Sitting down in an allyway' implys the person wants to not be seen, is hiding, is sad.
Further Development...
We decided to make the image black and white to make the image look dull and to portray the sadness of the image. The lack of colour also increasees the mysteriousness of why she is sat in an allyway. We hope this will draw the audience in of people who want to find out what has happend to her and why she is there. We also added the title of the film 'RETRIBUTION' towards the bottom of the page to match the regular codes of conventions of film posters.
For the final poster we added what appears to be a newspaper quote 'The most powerful British film of the year' This is to draw british viewers in as well as showing audience's that it has had a good review from a newspapers. We also added a four star rating which will also encourage viewers to go and see the film as they can see it's been rated fairly high. After all a poster for a film is a marketing strategie so it's important for the poster to make the film look good. We also added a section where the Producers and Directors are mentioned, again this is a usual code and convention of film posters as seen on the kidulthood and harry brown poster we analysed. We used Serif photo plus x3 to edit the image. We were not confident users of this programme so it took us a while to make the image black and white and to change the brightness to what we intented it too look like. When doing our research in to existing media we realised that most posters that matched our genre used dull images so it was important to make sure our image was similar.
We used the website 'www.dafont.com' to create our fonts. This webste offeres a very wide range of fonts so we took our time going through and trying out different fonts before we began editing on Serif photo plus x3.
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