Monday, 11 October 2010

13. Magazine Development

This first design is slightly sci-fi and looks a bit ambiguous to what it might say however its eye catching and looks visually interesting. The red like empire magazine, denotes something powerful and is stimulating. Its simple but effective.
This font is very simple and easily read. However it's not as bold as the other fonts and looks more like a subheading rather than the main block title. This would be an issue when on the shelves next to other magazines as it will not stand out as much as the others.

Again the red makes this image stimulating along with a change in texture. Its also sci-fi style but easy to read.
It is again not as bold and eye catching but could work well if the magazine is already well known with a large fan base. It has a more specific look, that is more recognised compared to some of the other plainer fonts. 

This final font stands out the most as it is surrounded by a boarder. This makes it bolder and look more professional compared to the previous fonts. The red is much stronger also so makes the font more eye catching when next to other magazines on the shelves.
The high angle image shows the vulnerability of the character. She is also huddled so she looks very small. This also contributes to the vulnerability. Unfortunately due to the lighting conditions the photo is very over exposed making the models face look slightly distorted. However although the photo could be edited it is too small and portrays her as being vulnerable and the main idea of magazine is to make the 'model' appear powerful and therefore through buying the magazine they will also be buying into group belonging.

This photo could potentially work well, due to the low angle it gives the 'model' a look of power. However using this image would be breaking the code and conventions of a film magazine because there is not a use of direct mode of address. The cool colours within the image compliment the colours within the models costume which work well, however this all together combined with her expression create a solomn look which would work well with the themes within our film, however the blue sky creates a slight feeling of warmth so may not be appropriate to advertise and convey to the audience the themes within the film.
To begin with we just created the basic layout including the standard logo/masthead, the title is neither feminine nor masculine and therefore can appeal to a wider target audience. The font is slightly futuristic and therefore may appeal to a younger target audience. The website shows that it is multi-platform and will therefore appeal to a younger, Internet user for example. The date of 'January 2011' suggests to the reader it is a monthly magazine and in general monthly magazines have more information and more dedicated readers.  It also features a bar code. It was important to create a basic structure which reflected well the codes and conventions of a film magazine to help us to construct our mode of address as an attempt to call out to our target audience.

We then added in cover lines into the magazine with names we felt would appeal to our target audience. The main cover line being 'RETRIBUTION' as we wanted the main focus of the magazine to be our film. We also added in 'film exclusive of the year' and 'access all areas' to give the reader a sense of ownership through buying the magazine and gives them exclusivity to our 'group' We also added in several hooks including a plus sign and a 'win' this is a code and convention used regularly by magazine institutions as it adds value to the magazine and is constructed directly to appeal to the targeted audience. Everything is done in parralel lines to add structure and dimension to the cover.
                                                           We then added a black and white image into the cover, we chose this image because the iconography

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